Core Fitness Foundations
A strong, well functioning core protects against back pain, contributes to the healing of diastasis recti, and minimizes pelvic floor problems. The knowledge gained from this program is applicable to any chapter of your fitness journey.
Ideal for women who are newly cleared to exercise postpartum, aren’t sure where to begin with exercise *anytime* after pregnancy and childbirth, or despite exercising are still struggling with your core strength, diastasis recti, or pelvic floor dysfunction.
Core Fitness Foundations is a 6 week program designed to help you understand and address the changes in your body after pregnancy and childbirth, as well as regain strength and function through the core and pelvic floor.
This is a downloadable eBook style program that includes information on the postpartum body as it pertains to exercise, as well as 6 weeks worth of exercises linked to videos.
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